Frequently Asked Questions

1) I am multiracial, do I have to “track” with either the BIPOC or white leaders?

The first three of twelve total sessions have two tracks: whiteness + me and compassionate transformation.

Multiracial folx have access to both tracks and are welcome to engage with the material available in both as is supportive and authentic to their experience. These sessions are pre-recorded and asynchronous.

The tracks come back together from intersectional justice and me onwards. Affinity drop-in spaces are also available but are not required to attend - and there will be multiple options for folx to engage in ways that feels authentic to them.

To discuss these options further, and the structure of the tracks in general, please email

2) Do you have to do Unit 1 in order to access Unit 2?

We highly recommend doing both Unit 1 and Unit 2 together for maximum impact given that Unit 2 builds off of Unit 1. That said, how you engage with each unit is up to you.

3) Who can participate? Board members? Students? Admins? Artists?

We welcome arts and culture sector leaders at all stages and spaces in their leadership and equity journeys. Further, you do not have to work in the sector to engage.

4) I live outside of Massachusetts, can I participate?


5) Can an individual or organization get customized support and additional coaching with the facilitators?

Yes, there is a fee-for-service option to receive additional coaching / consulting support from one (or multiple) of the facilitators. Reach out to Marian Taylor Brown with interest and to discuss process and price structure.

6) I don’t work in the arts and culture sector, but this feels transferable for my industry. Can I participate?

Yes, but please know in advance that the course materials are catered to the arts and culture sector, although we agree that many topics are transferable.

7) I’m furloughed or currently unemployed, can I still participate?

Absolutely. Please join us.

8) Should a group of people participate from my organization?

It is extremely beneficial to have as many stakeholders from each organization participate as possible as it will create a shared knowledge base and vocabulary for said work.

9) I identify as a Black, Indigenous, or as a person of color , should I participate?

The CELC is open to all arts and culture sector leaders committed to equity and there are affinity based tracks for BIPOC and white arts leaders. Multiracial arts leaders will have access to both tracks.

10) What does my registration fee go toward?

After covering our raise-to-run (the cost of running the CELC), all registration fees will be granted to QTDBIPOC+ founded, and/or led, arts and culture sector organizations, and/or artists using their work for racial equity.

11) What is the anticipated time commitment?

Summation, low-end time commitment is 2hrs per/session during the course itself, anticipated median time spent per/session is 5hrs, w/option to dive much deeper if desired. 

Components broken down:

1) Session lecture - 1hr, delivered virtually, can be viewed at any point (and as many times as desired) 

2) Homework - each lecture will be accompanied with "tiered" homework options that are multi-media and UDL designed. Again, these resources and scaffolding will be available after the course itself so there is plenty of opportunity to "spread it out".

3) Drop-in sessions will be held bi-weekly and are 2hr optional blocks for folx to come together and chat about the work.

4) Peer-to-peer mentorship is also an optional component, where we are matching folx in "learning groups" self-assessed entry level knowledge, intended learning outcomes, position within the sector, etc. 

12) Who can I contact with more questions and/or concerns?

Please reach out to and one of our team members will get back to you soon!